Monday, July 12, 2010

5months Oreo the frenchy

Its been 5 months since i've been adopted and as you know its been full of new things and some surprises.I'm a girl who wants to be in charge and well quite frankly its not going my way.Olli my brother well he has been here a long time he's just not the pushover i was hoping he'd be.I mean he is a Border terrier and so he's a bit obsessive compulsive as terriers will be so I thought he'd let some things slide well not so.I want to sit in the chair of my choice not the one with the special blanket and this waiting to be invited stuff a waste of my time if anyones asking.
Ok i'm a little on the clumsy side as i run too fast and sometimes don't see where i'm headed and often end up banging my head on some piece of furniture!!!My tongue still hangs out when I'm tired and so i don't look very smart and i have been known to sleep through a pedicure or two.
I also see no need to chew every pice of food when just sucking it down my throat fills my belly just the same.I have learned to drink out of a straw on these juice packs my dogmom drinks and man cherry kool aid is my fave!!!!!!My brother and I have learned to sing in harmony well we think we sound great but the humans always ask us to keep it down.The other animals who share our yard leave great stuff behind but do you think they'll let me eat any of it noooo.
So i'm now 10 months old and am being asked to do so many things like STAY and SIT well whats the point in that.
I'll keep you posted!!!!

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