Sunday, June 3, 2012

Hey its me Oreo the french bulldog and man am I in for some big time operation.My back has been hurt and so i am off to the big city for an operation on my spine.It will be a tough recovery and i have faith in my dog mom and dad.
My brother a Border terrier Olli and I will be apart for a few weeks just so we don't get rough in play time.
I will keep you posted on my hospital stay and my recovery!!!

Friday, August 6, 2010

6 months Oreo the frenchy

Hey its me the cutest frenchie life is grand!!! I have been having a hard time in the heat not just because i'm black but because i'm a french bulldog and we don't deal with heat very well.
The good thing is I live by a beach and wow its great!!My brother Olli he's a Border terrier and wow he can swim really well and he gets to fetch sticks out in the water.Well i'm supposed to be a sinker not a swimmer that doesn't mean i can't enjoy the water.Our dogmom got us a duck pond and we've been playing on our deck with lots of rubber toys and man have we had a blast!!
We also got a camper crate and I think that means we might be going on a trip.
I got a new leash that is hot pink and I don't mind saying it looks bitchin!!
So my big news is yesterday while we were left alone in the bedroom i found lots of stuff to play with.I found a little purse that had some money in it and i seperated the coins from the paper well the smell on this money was weird but I had a blast,then i found some books on a shelf and well I just had to chew on the corners mom said that gave new meaning to a dog eared read!!!!
then I found a laundry hamper with sweaty clothes i couldn't resist draging out all the stuff and rolling in the clothes !!!!
My dogdad was not so happy when he came home and found all the stuff I'd played with while he was gone.My dogmom was gone for what seemed a long time and she just laughed when she came home and checked out the stuff I'd played with!!!She brought us new toys and a raw hide that is bigger than I am.
I suppose this means I'll be getting more of those lessons you know the ones that will help me in the future!!
see yah later

Monday, July 12, 2010

5months Oreo the frenchy

Its been 5 months since i've been adopted and as you know its been full of new things and some surprises.I'm a girl who wants to be in charge and well quite frankly its not going my way.Olli my brother well he has been here a long time he's just not the pushover i was hoping he'd be.I mean he is a Border terrier and so he's a bit obsessive compulsive as terriers will be so I thought he'd let some things slide well not so.I want to sit in the chair of my choice not the one with the special blanket and this waiting to be invited stuff a waste of my time if anyones asking.
Ok i'm a little on the clumsy side as i run too fast and sometimes don't see where i'm headed and often end up banging my head on some piece of furniture!!!My tongue still hangs out when I'm tired and so i don't look very smart and i have been known to sleep through a pedicure or two.
I also see no need to chew every pice of food when just sucking it down my throat fills my belly just the same.I have learned to drink out of a straw on these juice packs my dogmom drinks and man cherry kool aid is my fave!!!!!!My brother and I have learned to sing in harmony well we think we sound great but the humans always ask us to keep it down.The other animals who share our yard leave great stuff behind but do you think they'll let me eat any of it noooo.
So i'm now 10 months old and am being asked to do so many things like STAY and SIT well whats the point in that.
I'll keep you posted!!!!

Monday, June 14, 2010

06-14-2010 oreothefrenchy

wow a whole month has gone by and in dog time thats half a year!!Ok I've graduated from beginner puppy class and well no exactly with honours but we did get a diploma!!!!
I have also now been in my new home longer than where I was born.I really have things going my way my dogmom is a softie and can be so easily manipulated she shares her food and lets me sit with her whenever I feel like it.I have had to stick to some rules like sleeping in my crate its warm and soft but not like the big bed!!I have naps in the big bed and i've said before down is the warmest comfiest place to snuggle into.I'm also off the puppy food and onto way better meals.
My brother Olli and I get what ever is left over and this time of year grilled chicken is in abundance the salad well without the dressing on it it tastes like rabbit food! We spend a lot of time in our outside room and wow the smells are great,like the neighbour got chickens and they smell good but the dog nextdoor told us what happened to her when she played with the chicken!!!First it was fun and squeeked a lot then she got in big trouble when the chick stopped chirping!!!I had an encounter with a green hoppy thing the other day it tasted odd when I liked it and the poof it jumped away!!We have been able to sleep in the sunshine and man it feels good on my fur.
We walk to a place with lots of water but yuk if you drink it its way too salty and as I'm a sinker not a swimmer i just run along the edge and bark at Olli who can swim really good.There is nice smelly things to roll on at the water place and some poop that me and Olli think is great but the otter poop bothers my dogdad and dogmom and then we get a bath as soon as we come home!!
AS I'm a big girl now i get to watch tv in the dog chair its got a nice blankie and I can watch that dog training guy.Man he is good he must have good treatsok time to go out and leave mother nature a biodegradable gift talk to you soon.
Oreo the french bulldog

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

3months Oreothefrenchy

Hey doggies its me Oreo and man have I been busy.I'm just finished the 5th puppy class and I admit I'm the smartest puppy there!Well the boxer pup seems to be doing sits and stays real well and the american cocker puppies are also very smart.I have to learn a trick by next tuesday and I'm thinking high 5 or rollover is where i'm headed.
My dogdad has been taking me to clas as my dogmom has had bad arthritus that means working harder she is a marshmellow.Hey I saw a cat running through the garden and man I could have caught her but then a bird flew by and well I just didn't know who to run after first so I had a poop instead.
Lots of work in the garden these days and I got to ride in the wheel barrow that was fun.My brother Olli the terrier has been playing catch me if you can and wow we sure can run fast upstairs.He takes my favorite toy and away we go.I can run fast but the stopping part sometimes is a hard landing.
The other big change is no more lunch bummer as I do love to eat.My dinners are getting better and the bowl seems to have more goodies in it.
So wish me luck on the trick learning and I'll keep you posted!!!!!

3months Oreothefrenchy

Monday, May 3, 2010

3months Oreothefrenchy

wow has time ever flown by!I've been in my new home 3 months now and its been great.I'm taking a puppy class and of course I'm the cutest puppy there.I'm having to learn all kinds of new things like sit and wait for my dinner my terrier brother has to wait too.Last week we had to stay home while our dogmom and dogdad went out for the day.OK i was a little bored so I rearranged the paper recycle bin getting all that paper out was easy but then I forgot to put it back.When they came home I was in trouble and i'm not sure how they figured out it was me.
Sometimes I just don't fell like doing my lessons thats part of being a bulldog.
I'm finding nice places to sleep other than in front of the fire place where its really warm and cozy.
I've also been going on car trips which is really cool cause I never know where i'll end up and I love an adventure.My brother likes to play a chasing game where he takes my toys and runs around the house and I have to chase him to get back my toys.Sometimes I humor him and run really fast and some times I just take his toy and try and get his attention.
We also have a nice room outside and right now these little birds that hum when they fly are here and man they are cool to watch.I like to bark at the bigger birds but they don't care.
When I bark too much my dogmom sprays me with water and I stop barking I think thats the idea.
It will be a busy week we must be going some where because the bag with our stuff is getting filled with our food and leashes.I hope we go to the city the ladies there feed me all kinds of good snacks and we see lots of other dogs and animals.