Saturday, April 24, 2010


woff hi all its me the little black french bulldog.I've just returned from the city of vancouver and I had a really good time.My dogmom has lots of friends there i like to meet them they all think i'm cute (so do I).My dogOma is the best she lets me try all the food she eats and i can sleep anywhere I want.There is a small problem with going into the city and that is the CAT.There is one at dogOmas house and he is miserable hisses at me and waits for me to walk under the chair and the swats my ears with sharp claws. Oh oh you know what else I do I go to a park where there are squirrels and they run all around me.I like the quacking birds in the pond they swim pretty good and well I'm a sinker not a swimmer!
There are lots of smells in the city and different food smells.i went for a visit to a ladys house with dogOma and she had her fur washed and curled.There were two little girls there who put clothes on me and took me out in doll buggy.Everyone was laughing and saying how cute i looked but i was dressed like a small human whats cute about that?
ok back to the food in the city it tastes different from what I get at home and gives me gas.I mean it feels good to let out the gas but everyone moves away when I do. I missed my brother Olli and he sure missed me cause he growled as soon as I came in the door.
My dogdad was happy to see me and home is the place to be all my toys are still here and my favorite place to pee has been mowed theres no place like home.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

9weeks Oreothefrenchy

Hi there its me Oreo and I have been so busy.I'm learning all kinds if things like sometimes I eat something outside that smells great but it sure makes me sick later.I have my own little crate with warm blanket and most nights thats where I sleep.When my dogdad is away my dogmom lets me sleep in her big bed.As I've mentioned before its soo warm and cozy and smells nice!!!
I'm getting ready for puppy class and thats lots of sit and stay well I'm not great at the stay part but I'm getting the sit and down and the best part is the treats.Who knew people food could taste so fantastic!!!!
I'm also going for car rides and what a great way to get to some new smelling place! I've recently become acquainted with a pair of ducks they are nesting beside the stream where we go for a walk.Nice enough birds they walk funny and always fly off just as I get close enough for a good whiff.My brother goes nuts because he's a terrier and I think he could hunt these birds and i'll bet we could eat them.
We have been walking on a tandem leash thats where the two of us me and my brother are on one leash and really close together. well problem is the other day we smelled something great and I went in for a good sniff and my brother peed on the good smell well I had my head peed on and our dogmom wasn't happy at all.I smelled bad and got a bath as soon as we came home I don't think this dual leash will work.
I'll keep you posted on my puppy class and what I'm learning!!!