Wednesday, March 31, 2010

2months Oreo thefrenchy

hey I know I've been busy and its hard to find time to blog!!I have been having a blast.My dogmom has been keeping an eye on me because there is just so much stuff for me to explore and chew on.I like shoes but they are hard to knaw on.I've also found a bag with wooden balls in it she says its a bocci ball set well call it what you will its a bag of wooden balls and i'm sure if I get it dragged to a secure spot I could get that bag open and play with those balls.
The bag is heavy and hard to drag around without being noticed.
I'm also getting better at jumping so beds are wow nice and soft and warmer than the cushy crate I sleep in.When my dogdad is gone my dogmom lets me sleep with her and I have a nice spot at the end of the bed and i put my big head on her feet so I know she's there.
My teeth and gums are really bugging me so I've got lots of chew things cowhide i think and wow if you really work at it it gets soft and slimey.
I have met a friend who comes over and he has work boots that smell wonderful and the laces are long and great to pull on.
I am doing better on my leash but this stay put business while my food sits in front of me thats not great don't they know how hungry I am?Food is for eating not looking at.
Oh car rides wow i can jump in to the back of the car by myself and i never know where I'm going to end up.Its just a big adventure and I am loving it.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


hi there its me Oreo and i have been busy so i've not been keeping up with my blog.I've had a runny nose after I ate something that made me really sick.My mom was up with me most of the night and gave me water and some soda crackers to make me feel better.By morning we were tired but I was feeling better.My dad is a stickler for following rules and even though I know
what he wants me to do I sometimes ignore what he tells me.I am after all a bulldog and i like being stubborn.I am getting to know my neighborhood and as much as I love to eat the deer poop my mom keeps a pretty close eye on what I get into.
I have been signed up for a puppy class and will be leaning the basics! I'm not sure what the basics are but my mom will make it fun for me.
My brother Olli has been nicer to me and even plays with me sometimes he still growls when I stick my face into his food dish He gets more food than I do so my dish is empty before his.
My mom watches tv in her big bed and if I'm good she lets me lay next to her and I always fall asleep.Its warm and cozy and I hardly notice when she puts me into my crate to sleep.

Monday, March 8, 2010


One month in my new home and things are going very well.I've recovered from my leg surgery and had the stiches out.I'm running around and doing everything a healthy puppy does.
I have a great spot by the kitchen door that I can look outside and see the birds at the feeder and I've got a great view into the back yard.There is a guy out there today with a noisy machine a weed eater although It looks like the guy is playing with a stick.
My brother Olli is still growling at me when I stick my face in his bowl but he will let me play with him sometimes.I'm finding some nice places in the house to sleep.
my favorite spot is in front of the fireplace its warm and really cozy.
I'm going on long walks in the afternoon and there is so much to smell and see its awsome!!!
I'm still kind of clumsey and had a tumble off a chair outside.I was trying to peek over the railing and before I knew it boom I was laying on the deck.
I am signed up for a puppy class and wow I sure am looking foreward to that.
My mom gives me these great snacks to chew on and they take awhile for me to finish but it keeps me busy.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

day 25 oreothefrenchy

I must be a lucky puppy!I am having such a great time in my new digs.I've got a nice garden and lots of things to smell and taste.Yesterday I found these pellets in the garden and wow what a smell and weird mom said NO she says that a lot.I haven't seen a deer yet but the pellets they leave behind sure make a tastey snack!
My brother follows his nose and boy he sure can sniff out some neat stuff.Mostly he tracks the cat next door who has a spot in the garden where we find bird feathers and left over animal stuff.
I'm doing very well in the car and the leash thing is working for me.
I am also in the habit of watching tv in the big bed Mom says I snore and if farting was an olympic sport I'd be on the podium.
I do end up in my crate which is warm and cozy thats so I don't walk around in the dark.
I'm a fast eater and when i'm done I head straight to Ollis bowl boy he sure gets grouchy when I stick my face into his bowl.
Sometimes things don't go my way and mom has to point me in the right direction.
All in all I'm a lucky girl.

Monday, March 1, 2010

day23 oreothefrenchy

hi its me Oreo and I went to the vet this morning and had my stiches taken out.As you already know I've had kind of a rough start in my new family.The good news is my leg has healed and the pins and wire have held my injured knee in place.I'm also learning lots of new things.I'm not so good at stay but I can sit and down easy stuff and I get treats and lots of good girl pets.
My new brother is still not so keen on my being here but I sure like him a lot.
I have noticed that when we're outside he lifts his leg