Monday, March 8, 2010


One month in my new home and things are going very well.I've recovered from my leg surgery and had the stiches out.I'm running around and doing everything a healthy puppy does.
I have a great spot by the kitchen door that I can look outside and see the birds at the feeder and I've got a great view into the back yard.There is a guy out there today with a noisy machine a weed eater although It looks like the guy is playing with a stick.
My brother Olli is still growling at me when I stick my face in his bowl but he will let me play with him sometimes.I'm finding some nice places in the house to sleep.
my favorite spot is in front of the fireplace its warm and really cozy.
I'm going on long walks in the afternoon and there is so much to smell and see its awsome!!!
I'm still kind of clumsey and had a tumble off a chair outside.I was trying to peek over the railing and before I knew it boom I was laying on the deck.
I am signed up for a puppy class and wow I sure am looking foreward to that.
My mom gives me these great snacks to chew on and they take awhile for me to finish but it keeps me busy.

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