Wednesday, March 3, 2010

day 25 oreothefrenchy

I must be a lucky puppy!I am having such a great time in my new digs.I've got a nice garden and lots of things to smell and taste.Yesterday I found these pellets in the garden and wow what a smell and weird mom said NO she says that a lot.I haven't seen a deer yet but the pellets they leave behind sure make a tastey snack!
My brother follows his nose and boy he sure can sniff out some neat stuff.Mostly he tracks the cat next door who has a spot in the garden where we find bird feathers and left over animal stuff.
I'm doing very well in the car and the leash thing is working for me.
I am also in the habit of watching tv in the big bed Mom says I snore and if farting was an olympic sport I'd be on the podium.
I do end up in my crate which is warm and cozy thats so I don't walk around in the dark.
I'm a fast eater and when i'm done I head straight to Ollis bowl boy he sure gets grouchy when I stick my face into his bowl.
Sometimes things don't go my way and mom has to point me in the right direction.
All in all I'm a lucky girl.

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