Saturday, February 27, 2010

3weeks oreothefrenchy

Boy I never knew dog time went by so fast.I have been on the go and went into the Olympic city for a few days.There were people everywhere and they all want to touch me.I'm not so keen on that.My Oma(grandma)is really nice and I like here place but the elevator up 18 floors is not my fave thing to do! She live right by a park with squirrels and boy I bet I could catch one of those if they let me run.I went to a coffee house and it was nice to cuddle under my moms jacket.
The cat that lives at Omas house is pretty grouchy and hisses and has really sharp claws.
They put me into a crate and went out so I escaped from the crate but it was dark and I don't like the dark.I found a safe place away from the cat under the bed.My mom was a little upset when they came home and I was not where I was supposed to be.
Learning all this new stuff is hard and I hear NO a lot!!!
I'm getting my stiches out in a few days and my leg is as good as new you'd never know I fell off the coffee table!!!

Monday, February 22, 2010

day16 oreothrfrenchy

Time flies when you're in a new home and with so much to learn.My mom says I'm a smart girl and boy I like to hear that.Olli my brother is still being grouchy and growls at me when I want to see what he got to eat.I know we'll learn to play with each other I am cute as a button and I don't know why he can't see that.He is a terrier may be he has better smelling skills than seeing?
I'm liking my new neighborhood the birds are everywhere and last night I could smell that racoon I just couldn't get at him and my mom wouldn't let me off the deck!
I'm off to the big city for another adventure and this time no jumping.
My leg with the stiches feels better but man sometimes it gets itchy and dry.
I'll get my stiches out in a week and my last shots .I'll be happy then not to see the vet for awhile.
I'm off for a walk and that thing around my belly a harness its called well it is just holding me in place right now wait untill I can go on my own.
my mom is talking about puppy class wow with other puppies yahoo I can hardly wait.
see yah

Saturday, February 20, 2010

2weeks Oreothefrenchy

Hey i've made it I've been in my new home for 14 days and I am getting the hang of it!The potty part is really going well I sit at the kitchen door someone takes me outside I do my thing and when we come in the doorI sit.Simple and I get a treat.Yahoo.The food here is also an upgrade and no other pups nuzzling into the dish.
My brothers back from the city and well he's still growling a lot and man for a 4 year old he's slow.I've tried running around with his toys but he doesn't like that.Every now and again he'll pick up a toy and I can chase him around for awhile.
Life is good

Friday, February 19, 2010

day13 oreothefrnchy

Another great day in my new life.My leg is much better and I'm able to walk on all four wow I'm exploring new places.I do like my new garden and with this nice weather I'm outside a lot.
We still take these short walks to go potty but we're going further when we just go for a walk.
My harness is not so bad and lots of people just want to touch me.I'm quite happy to just sit in my moms lap while she is watching the Olympics its warm and I feel so safe.
My brother will be back tonight and I'm really looking foreward to us running through the house together.We were outside checking out some things in the garden and I like the dirt but my mom doesn't like me to eat stuff out there.
I do like to bark at who ever comes by they don't seem very scared of my barking.When I'm full grown maybe.
my mom seems to understand when I really need to go out and today I peed on the carpet i just couldn't wait she really didn't make a fuss.Mostly I just go and sit in front of the door and she takes me out.
She has been busy on her computer and thats ok I just sit under her chair and sleep.
When she calls me I come running and sit in front of her and then she tells me i'm a good girl and get a treat thats an easy way to get a cookie.She gives me these hard little rolls of dried meat and I find a good spot to chew on them and it makes my teeth feel better.
Most of all I like that she rubs my belly and gives me lots of love.
You know I think I got lucky with my new home and parents this is a real win win for me.
Oh it looks like we're going out she's putting her shoes on and her jacket that means another adventure and i'm always ready for that.My mom can tell when I'm nervous and if a big dog comes our way she picks me up and makes me feel safe.
I might be small but I think I can hold my own.
I'm off

Thursday, February 18, 2010

day12 oreothefrenchy

Greetings puppies and other recently adopted pets.I have been so lucky despite my recent leg operation the new house and new parents are working out !I have warm beds all over so wherever i end up pooped from running around I can have a comfy nap.
I must say not having to fight off other pups for food is soooo nice and I have my own bowl.
Then upstairs is a big bathroom my new mom loves the tub and the floor is heated so I just lay on her towel and ohhh nice.
My new yard has trees full of birds and did I mention the new smells wow.The bird his name is Charlie he actually comes from down under I think that odd because he is up on a table out of dogs reach.I think thats because my new brother Olli is a border terrier and they love to hunt.
I on the other hand am a french bulldog and i love to look good.I know I do because my reflection in the mirror is getting prettier everyday.
OK its time for my afternoon trip outside sometimes we take long walks and sometimes its those short potty breaks.
I am the luckiest little pup.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

day11 oreothefrenchy

Wow its been a few busy days in my life. I had a big operation a few days ago to fix my leg well my knee and then I had my tubes tied.I'm not sure why but I also ended up with a chip in my neck and when they wave a wand over it I beep.
I spent a night at the animal hospital but the doc and the nurses were very kind to me.I was really sleepy and just when things were starting to be confusing to me my new parents showed up.
My dad sure makes me feel safe and he gives great back scratches.
Now that my leg is feeling better I'm able to explore my new house and boy is it great.
There is a big bed and when my mom lifts me up onto it I'm in heaven.I never knew hungarian down could be so warm and comfortable.
I do like to watch tv and there was a fancy dog show on the cream of the crop is what I heard and surprise a dog who looked just like me won in the non sporting (thats code for couch potatoes)
The sun is shining and that means there are lots of places to sit and have a nap where its warm.
So far this new place is working out just fine for me and i'm looking foreward to my brother Olli to come back home and join me.
He's at the relitives spa thats where you sleep on beds and eat people food.
I'm a happy girl and it looks like i'll get some more exploring done as part of my rehabilitation and the smells out there well I'm not sure what it all is but i'll get it sooner or later.

Monday, February 15, 2010

day8 oreothefrenchy

Well its my big surgery day.I had my morning walk and then what a rip no breakfast.
I'm going to the vet this afternoon and then he'll fix my leg which really isn't slowing me down much!
Then i'll have my girlie bits removed I have no idea how sore i'm going to be and none of that matters right now I'm just HUNGRY.
So my mom will keep you up to date on my progress.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

day7 oreothefrenchy

wow I've had some busy days for a puppy.I was at a new place Oma's house its and apartment with a big unfriendly cat! So I was learning to jump and I had a fall ouch.I really hurt my hind leg and it hurt to walk on it.I'm doing great on 3 legs but I could tell my new mom was worried.
I went back on the ferry and saw that nice new vet of mine.
I've broken my knee and will have to have a big operation on my leg.While I'm asleep I'll have my tubes tied no puppies in my future! my mom says its to keep the neighborhood bad boys away!!
My brother Olli stayed in the big city so its just me and the folks here today and the sun is out and I've sen a hummingbird the noise is really neat.
I got to sleep where my mom and dad sleep and was it ever nice and warm and so fluffy and I snored a lot.
It sure is nice to have all the toys to myself I'm sure my brother will know I've been knawing on his stuff.
I'm practising my bark and so far no one is scared except the bird that was outside the window.
I sure like looking at myself in the mirror and I can play and that reflection does just what I do.
oh I have to go dads got my hot pink harness in his hand that means we're going outside these two are still big on those short walks and if I go potty I get a treat!
These two are so easy to train.
well wish me luck with my big operation I'll still be a cute frenchy when I come home in a few days!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

day4 oreothefrenchy

Wow another night in my new bed.I'm so hungry by the time I wake up and I try and wake someone so I can eat.
First we go out for another walk I do have a nice yard to do my thing and then I get a nice breakfast.
I like to run around the house and wow I'm really getting good on those stairs.
There are lots of nice toys for me to chew on and my new brother likes for me to chase him.
There is even a warm spot in front of the fire place for me to have a nice nap.
I guess i'm going to have another bath today as i'm off to gramas house!
I've never been to a big city yet and i guess i should be excited and i'm going to see the olympic torch run bye wow what a lucky puppy i am!!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

day3 oreothefrenchy

Wow did I ever luck out this new place is great.I have my own food dish and Olli the terrier has his own too.I get to use mine more but his smells better.
I went to a vets office and well I was so tired I slept through the whole thing.
I got a shot but man the treats that DR.Dave had were great and I didn't mind that he looked in my eyes and ears.Then my new brother had his turn and he really liked the treats too.
This time i felt better in the car and there were no accidents.
I'm still getting to go outside a lot and every time I find something to play with someone is calling me and taking it away.
My new brother wants me to chase him and he's got some great toys.
I'm going on a road trip tomorrow its a car, ferries,kind of trip.
I'm going to the Olympics but I doubt I'll have much to do with the athletes.
I'll keep you posted

oreo the frenchy

My second day was a little more laid back good food and wow we went outside a lot!
What a great yard there are smells from animals I've never sniffed before and guess what there are other dogs next door in all directions.
I sure like my new home but that terrier Olli he growls a lot.
I had a big climb up these stairs phew it was rough going one at a time but after a couple of tries I was doing well.
I even saw a puppy who looks just like me on a door in the bedroom then I saw my new mom on the same door she was not as surprised at our reflection as I was.
I go outside and go to the potty and then I get a treat when i come back inside this is going to be great.
I had my ears cleaned and boy these two are big on short walks out side and I already knew I was a "GOOD GIRL"but I like hearing it!
I was a happy girl when I went back into that nice bed I didn't need to cry!
my first day was kind of traumatic.I left my family and went home with a new mom and dad.
I went into a nice clean kennel with a warm blanket and a new toy.
Then I started to move around and I'm afraid I had an accident just then I felt a breeze and heard coughing.
I'm a french bulldog and i'm 17 weeks old.A lot of people came and looked at me before my new mom and dad took me home.
Now back to the trip to my new home.
My new parents were nice enough to stop and clean out my crate with fresh bedding and wet wipes.How did they know they would need these things for such a short trip?
I arrived at my new house and wow there was a dog there waiting for us!
His name is Olli and he seemed really glad to see me maybe he was in on the secret.I was not feeling really well by then I had been sick quite a bit.
Wow what a place there was lots of smells and noises I had never in my short life herd or sniffed.
Then a bad thing happened they said" bath time "then i was in lots of water up to my belly.Dad held me tight so I sort of felt safe.
Then i was wet all over and some nice smelling stuff was being rubbed all over me.
I got wrapped up in a nice warm fluffy towel and lights out I fell asleep.
I fell asleep with a full belly and a nice fluffy bed to sleep in.